The San José del Cabo Organic Market 2009-2010 season’s opening day is Saturday, November 7 at Huerta María, located behind downtown San José on the road to Las Animas, between San José and the San José Arroyo. Market hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. from November 7, 2009 to May 29, 2010. Follow the market signs along Calle Centenario or Av. Benito Juárez (the road to La Playa and Puerto Los Cabos) from downtown San José.
The San José organic market features regional organic produce; honey, foods, eggs, salsas, preserves, and homemade ice cream; local and regional arts, crafts, and home arts; plants; Baja books and maps; jewelry; hand painted clothing and accessories; natural beauty products, furniture, fine art, and more; along with music; ongoing workshops on sustainable living; and fun activities for the entire family.
Delicious breakfasts, lunches and snacks; food booths; baked goods; organic coffee, drinks and juices are all back again this year. Local non-profits Liga MAC A.C., Yo Reciclo A.C., the Santa Josefina Blood Bank, and the Los Cabos Children’s Foundation, and others, will have information booths and will sell calendars, recipe books, used books, t-shirts, caps and other fundraising items.
Please kindly leave your pets at home, and bring along a cloth market bag and your plastic bags for recycling. For more information, a market map, or to sign up as a vendor, non-profit booth, or workshop coordinator, please visit: . At our bilingual website, you’ll find information about our market, organic living, photo galleries, and a market newsletter sign-up form. We look forward to seeing you there!
San José del Cabo Organic Market Opens Saturday November 7, 2009
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